donderdag 4 juni 2009

Puz - 'Koornbeurs' Delft, April 14th 1999

Puz (Rotterdam/Nw Beijerland), 4-track recording.
Saturday April 14th 1999, 'Koornbeurs' Delft.
Tracks: Win Some, Lose Some/Sore Brains/Greed/3 Years/Explain The Way/All The Time/Girl In Pain/Best In The End/Shades/Life During Wartime.

Note: My first ever live-recordings using a 4 track cassetterecorder. As it was new to the venue as well, someone bluntly switched off the mike channels while recording. I made sure he never did this again. Listening back at the mix, I’d probably do it different now, but it’s okay.

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