vrijdag 5 juni 2009

Pantyboy - 'Sczi' Den Haag, September 7th 2001.

Pantyboy (Amsterdam/Den Haag), 4-track recorded.
Sunday September 7th 2001, 'Sczi-Bar' The Hague.
Tracks: Out Of Space/'Amp-troubles'/You Should Die(?)/Motherfucker/Hot Wheels/Suburbia/Yin-Yang/Play The Game/Partysong/Poor Boy/Starfighter.

Note: afternoon double bill in squat-café. Both bands used the ‘Sonic Boom Boys’ backline for this gig. Turning up the bass-amp to it’s max, triggered the overload-security to be triggered, causing the sound to drop. Which was solved by turning the volumes down again. In exchange for access and recording, I had to play Deejay as well.

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