woensdag 10 juni 2009

Lame Art - '4-Tracks' (Demo, 2001).

Note: with new material written, but no recordings available, the band asked me to make 4 track recordings in their rehearsal room. The first session was rejected, so a second one was done a month later. Several CD’s were burnt and send to stages and organisations, while the band used them to prepare for proper studio recordings.

Recorded: November 3rd 2000. ‘Plug Unit’, Reeuwijk.
Tracks: Got A Ticket To Ride?/Rush (As She Walked Through The Door)/Opened Or Closed/Your Song.

Note: Recorded on 4-track: first the backing-track and then, separately, the vocals. This first session was rejected and used to improve songs and performance. An additional session was recorded December 6th.

Recorded: december 6th 2000. ‘Plug Unit’, Reeuwijk.
Tracks: Got A Ticket To Ride?/Rush (As She Walked Through The Door)/Your Song/Plans.

Note: Recorded on 4-track: first the backing-track and then, separately, the vocals. This session was done after the band decided to reject the results of a session done November 13th 2000. The tracks from this session were used as a promo to get some gigs and as pre-production for the ‘Spanks Man’ demo. Stubborn as the band was, they used a cassette-copy of these recordings to burn the promo-CD’s, rather than taking them off the digital master directly!

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