maandag 20 mei 2013

Alexander McKenzie & The Underpaid, 'In Session' Thursday May 16th 2013.

Alexander McKenzie & The Underpaid (Rotterdam/Den Haag), \In Session\.
Recorded: May 16th 2013, ‘Gouwestad Radio Studio 2.
Tracks: Alchemy/ When Did I Turn (TK 1-2)/Brother Where Art Thou (TK 1-3)/Lay Me Down (TK 1-3)/Interview.

Note: Canadian singer Lori McKenzie, relocated to Rotterdam, came to the studio for a session with her guitarist and keyboardist, who brought in acoustic guitar, dobro, Würlitzer and Indian harmonium. The session went quite relaxed, with several breakdowns and a redo of ‘Brother’. After the interview was recorded, the band and I all went to our homes again.

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