zondag 19 februari 2012

Joe Madman & The Sidewalkers, 'Live On Air' January 13th 2012.

Joe Madman & The Sidewalkers (Alphen a/d Rijn), live on air.
Recorded: January 13th 2012, ‘Gouwestad Radio Studio 2.
Tracks: Golddiggin’Woman/Laying My Burden Down/Gloria-Roadtripper-Sweet Home Alabama.

Note: Youing Garage R’n’R inspired Blues band, having their maiden voyage on radio. Eager to play a long, acoustic set, I annoyed them with questions inbetween. Last song was cut short, as we ran out of broadcasting time. Which wasn’t easy to signal to a singer/guitarist playing so intense, he closed his eyes and shut out the world completely! But somehow we managed just in time.

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