zaterdag 9 maart 2013

MonDeux, Live 'On Air' Friday March 8th 2013.

MonDeux (Gouda), live on air.
Recorded: March 8th 2013, ‘Gouwestad Radio Studio 2.
Tracks: Le Micro/Qu A Donc Cést Du Meure/Hamlet.

Note: Jaap Mulder of famed Klezmerband ‘Di Gojim’ and his son Ruben, joined the show for a very informative chat on their theatreshow about Russian actor/singer Vladimir Vysotski, due to premiere two days later. Unlike regular music in the show, they played a mixture of Brel, Aznavour, Brecht and Weill-like chansons, featuring vocals, piano and soprano-sax. Amazing!

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